1. Comprehensive Factory Audit Service Overview

   1.1 Definition and Importance

   The Comprehensive Factory Audit is the flagship service in factory audits, offering an in-depth and all-encompassing assessment. Based on a wide range of international standards, specific importer requirements, and the extensive experience of service providers (such as QAOne), this service conducts a thorough check-up of the factory. It encompasses not only quality control and technical compliance but also extends to supply chain security and corporate social responsibility, providing a solid basis for importers’ collaboration decisions.

   1.2 Audit Content Overview

   – Quality and Technical Capability

   – Supply Chain Security Assessment

   – Fulfillment of Social Responsibility

   1.3 Audit Outcomes and Applications

   Upon completion, a detailed report with a rating system is compiled, facilitating importers to直观ly gauge the collaborative potential, production capacity, compliance, and credibility of factories. This process is vital for maintaining supply chain stability and protecting brand reputation.

2. Importer Benefits Analysis

   2.1 In-Depth Insights into Factory Operations

      – Gain a thorough understanding of the factory’s actual production capacity and management level.

   2.2 Verification of Supply Chain System Compatibility

      – Ensure that the factory aligns with the importer’s specific supply chain management standards and requirements.

   2.3 Risk Mitigation

      – Identify and address potential risks related to quality, management, safety, and ethics.

   2.4 Supply Chain Optimization and Assurance

      – Guarantee the overall efficiency and compliance of the supply chain.

   2.5 Brand Image Maintenance

      – Uphold and enhance brand image through rigorous partner selection.

3. Service Process Details

   3.1 Preparation Stage

      – Gather factory information and specific importer needs.

   3.2 Audit Scheduling

      – Communicate with the factory to confirm the detailed schedule for the comprehensive audit.

   3.3 Onsite Audit Execution

      – Following international standards such as ISO9000, conduct multidimensional inspections including:

         – Basic Factory Information

         – Production Capacity Evaluation

         – Equipment Status and Maintenance

         – Rationality of Workflows

         – Quality Management Systems

         – Safety and Environmental Protection Measures

         – Document and Record Auditing

         – Human Resource Management

         – Employee Interviews, among others

   3.4 Audit Report and Feedback

      – Compile a detailed audit report inclusive of a rating system for importer review.

4. Service Fee Explanation

   The fee for the Comprehensive Factory Audit Service is USD 498,

encompassing all professional audit procedures and report compilation.